Boost your Website sale with These Tips

Website Sell

By creating a website, you can earn money by selling it. In this case, all such websites are sold from which it is possible to get profit because that’s what matters to the buyer. So, a website should be created using a good and reasonable domain and good-quality content. And if a website can be created using unique ideas, even better.

What to keep in mind to create a site before selling a Website

There are many marketers who spend 5-6 hours a year developing websites. Then sell it at a huge price.

I assume you also want to make Hughes a lot of money by selling website like this.

If you have never sold a website before, this article will be very helpful for you. When thinking of selling a website, many things should be done properly before starting the site development work.

In terms of selling websites, what should be cleared before developing the site?


      • Select a topic or select a niche

      • Generate website financial reports

      • Site design

      • Tracking system

      • Generate website traffic reports

      • Website Content

      • Plugins are more or less

      • Close vs. Oversell

      • Backlink Profile

    Select a topic or select a niche

    As I said before, you have to compare earning money selling websites with business. Because when we think about business, we try to do it better because we have to profit from it.

    When you develop a site with sales in mind, first of all, if you create a site with a niche, you can get to the ranking very quickly.

    In selecting the niche, you can select the niche from Amazon or Alibaba sites. And definitely try to create a site with a small niche, because it will make your work much easier.

    Domain Hosting Provider

    Domain and hosting selection is a very important task, keeping in mind website sales. You will not take domain or hosting from a site that may cause problems when selling the site later. In this case, I can suggest two sites:

    1. Namecheap
    2. GoDaddy

    The above two sites are very good domain and hosting providers. You won’t have any problems later if you take domain hosting from here. Still, I’d put Namecheap ahead of these two domain/hosting providers.

    One more thing you must do before developing the site – when you have decided to sell the site. In this instance, start with a new email.

    In this email, you will need all kinds of accounts for your site. When you sell the site, you can give it to the client via email. By doing this, your problem will be much less.

    Generate Website Financial Reports

    Make a draft of how much domain-hosting costs to build your website. Account for any post-site maintenance costs. In addition to the cost of domain hosting, calculate the additional costs for any other services.

    If your website is very popular and has local ads, including Google AdSense, create a price list of how much your site earns from those ads. As a result, if the buyer of your website is very serious, then you can easily present the profit and loss calculation in front of him.

    Site Design

    Definitely use a paid theme in this case. If you want to sell at a very good price, you need to pay attention to the cost.

    If you can design a good WordPress site, then you don’t need to hire a designer; you can do it yourself. But definitely, with the paid theme, you can design the site very well.

    Tracking System

    A tracking system is detailed graphical information about your site that exists from the beginning of site creation. When you think about selling your site internationally or nationally, you should have Google Analytics and Google Webmaster functions positively arranged on your site.

    When the client wants to buy your site, they will want access to these two things from you. For this reason, as I have already said, before creating a website, create an email first, with which you need to create all kinds of accounts for your website. It will be convenient for you to provide different accesses at the time of sale.

    Many of us think that with various plugins like Jetpack, visitors can be seen on the site dashboard, is there a need to install the tracking code separately. Again, many people think that these tasks can be done with different SEO tools; in that case, is it necessary to keep tracking through Google Analytical and Webmaster separately?

    I say it with so much importance because it is necessary. Google Webmasters and Analytics provide a detailed historical overview of your website in organised manner.

    Not only that, whether there is any negative penalty on your site, how are the index ratios of the site, from whom you are getting backlink profiles, graphical information is available through these two tools.

    And this is why, keeping in mind the website sales, there must be a tracking system from the very beginning of the site development.

    Generate Website Traffic Reports

    Website Traffic Report

    Generate statistics of your website traffic or visitors. A few things are important for you to keep in mind. Calculate the average and total number of unique visitors to your website. Simultaneously calculate the average and total of each page view of the website.

    Generate reports on how visitor growth rates have increased over time, which countries have more visitors, and how many visitors have come from search engines and direct visitors. There are several website ranking tools available online such as Alexa and Similar web. Find out how your website ranks using them.

    Make a list of which keywords are most popular on your website and which keywords bring more users to your site. You can take help of Google Search Console for keyword research. Also find out how your site’s bounce rate is with Google Analytics.

    Content for Website sale

    Has your website failed to rank very well? But if your content is really good, then you can expect to sell the site.

    If this is the case, the content of the site is not good at all; much of the content has been published under copyright. Believe that at some point, your site will have a negative effect. This type of site is impossible to sell. You will waste time unnecessarily if you are fussy about the content.

    Most people in our country make this mistake more often. It can be seen that many people design and decorate the site very well. But most articles or content are copied and published.

    You can write about the same topic on other sites, but if you copy and write the entire article, it is normal that Google will look at you negatively.

    Why give the most importance to the Content

    See, content is the most important asset of a site, but people browse different websites to read the content. And this content will remain on your site for life, so in this case, you will spend most of your money on content instead of keeping it.

    If the content is good, the site will rank for a while, and earnings will come. If someone thinks about selling the site without paying attention to the content, then they will not be able to sell the site, but the possibility of ranking or earning from the site will also decrease.

    Plugin Less is More

    Try to avoid adding extra plugins. We install plugins that are never used, a negative practice that slows down the site unnecessarily.

    A WordPress site with 10-15 plugins works; how good is it for the site to have 40-50 plugins unnecessarily installed. It’s definitely not a healthy habit.

    Many people leave additional themes on the site, some negative practices, such as using unnecessary tags, reduce the loading speed of our site.

    Always try to keep the site clean. Even if you can’t always, try to at least practice organising these tasks before selling, because the less stuff there is in the backend of the website, the better.

    Close vs. Oversell

    It is a term of sales. Those who study sales will understand this very well. When the customer agrees to buy your product, it’s best to go straight to deal complete rather than trying to re-convince the customer.

    Let me clarify a bit – suppose you are coming to buy a mobile from me. I am first trying to explain you about the various features of the mobile for 2-3 minutes.

    I am explaining to you many positive aspects about why you should buy the mobile. At one point you agreed to buy the mobile.

    I should now complete the deal directly with you. If I go to convince you again by saying more than that, you will get bored, and for this reason you may not buy the mobile.

    And this same logic applies to selling websites. When you see someone wanting to buy your site, you have to accept that they know better than you.

    In this case, you should not try to do the extra convention on your own. Go straight to selling deals. If you don’t do that and try to get too many conversions, it may end up being an oversell, and your site may not sell.

    So, we have to understand and deal with these issues of close versus oversell. Try not to oversell. When you know you can close, try to close and complete the deal.

    Backlink Profile

    A site’s backlink profile is very important. We often take backlinks from Fiverr, Upwork, or any forum. If the backlinks are not good, then the value of your site will automatically fall. Bad SEO is often the cause of these backlinks. Clients always try to take care of these things.

    If you can show the client that your site has some pretty strong backlinks that you may have gotten from a good outreach campaign, then the price of the site will go up.

    The bottom line is, if you develop the site keeping in mind the sale of the website, then proceed with the above terms very carefully. The sites that I will suggest you for selling sites –


    Empire Flippers

    If you don’t trust the client, you can sell the website on these marketplaces. To be honest selling a site is a very easy task. If you have a good quality site, more than lakhs of clients are turning to buy the site. So, I say again, by all means, make a site with business in mind, you will see that there will be no problem in selling.

    In Which Marketplace will you sell?

    There are many marketplaces for buying and selling domains or websites. Each marketplace has its own unique features. And depending on the domain or type of website you may need to register on different websites. But you can register in all marketplaces if you want.

    Some Marketplaces:



    • GoDaddy Auction

    • NameCheap Auction


    Be sure to pick a website or domain that you feel has value. Don’t know that you are buying just because it is empty. Again, many times many domains are empty which seems that no price can be found in front of this domain but that can also be a wrong idea, so try to find out or get an idea the value of the domain or website because that is important for this market. And it can be a long-term plan. That means it may take a long time to sell a domain or website at a good price. So, you have to work with that in mind.

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