After reading today’s On Page SEO article, you will know how to do On Page SEO correctly on your blog or website. If you want to build your blogging career, then you need to have a good knowledge about it. You need to have full knowledge about On Page SEO if you want to get more visitors or traffic from Google search engine or any other search engine on your blog.
We all know that by using on page SEO techniques we can optimize our blog or website for Google search engine. As a result, the blog or website has a chance to get a lot of visitors or traffic.
What is On Page SEO
On-page SEO is when search engine optimization is done from your website.
Now the question may arise that what is meant by working from within the website?
What do you do SEO for? You must have a blog or website where you want to do SEO to bring visitors. Suppose you create a new technology related blog and publish content to that blog. Now how Google will understand the content that you have published with the technology? This time the On Page SEO will need it. Your published content will include tags, titles, descriptions, URLs, etc. Basically, through those topics Google will be able to detect which topic you are actually working on.
Why do On Page SEO
Suppose you have a health-related website. You published an article on back pain there. Think about it. Are you a person who writes articles about back pain? Of course not. Thousands of articles have been published. The same issue has been covered by writers who have published articles. Basically, these are your competitors. your rivals. You have to win over these competitors and win. So that’s why you need on-page SEO.
Sometimes you notice that you have published an article, but the article is showing on page two or three of the search engines. A lot of the time, searching returns no results for the article. The main reason for this is that you have failed to convince the search engines about the topic you have written the article about.
The search engine crawlers, while indexing your content, do not know anything about your article summary. Due to which your article was not found in the search engine. On page SEO is basically required for search engines to understand about your website or content summary.
How to do On Page SEO
Content Optimization: The life of your website is content. So, your content should be optimized in such a way that it is at the top position of search engines. You will not get the desired visitors until your content is on the top position of Google. Remember that if on page SEO is not done properly then off page SEO will not be useful. There are a few things you need to keep in mind when optimizing content, such as:
Keyword Optimization
Generally, each of the things that people type into search engines is called keywords. In on-page SEO, keyword research is the initial step. Keyword research is the most important thing when you do on page SEO.
How to use keywords in articles
1. Use keywords in the title, main content and heading in the article.
2. Keyword should be used in the permalink URL of the article.
3. Keywords should be used in the alter tag of the image.
4. Keywords cannot be used repeatedly (Keyword Staffing).
5. In this case you can use related keyword.
There are some other things to keep in mind while doing keyword research:
Long Tail Keyword: Long tail keyword means to make a keyword bigger or more specific. If you search for the best mobile phone, you will see high search volume for this keyword. Competition is also very high. Now if you search the best Samsung mobile under 2000 dollars here we have enlarged the keywords and made them more specific for those who want a Samsung mobile and under twenty thousand dollars. These keywords will have low search volume and much less competition. Through this, keywords can be ranked quickly.
Search Volume: Search volume is how many people search for your keyword monthly. High search volume keywords are typically highly competitive. Therefore, it is best to start with keywords that have a low to medium search traffic.
Title Optimization: The most important part of on page SEO is title of the content. After we search something on Google, we see the titles of various websites. You can come to the fast position of Google by adopting all the techniques of SEO. But you can’t force anyone to click your link.
That’s why your content title has to do something. Visitors click on your link as soon as they see it. If you want to optimize the title of your content in a legal way, then you need to keep an eye on several things. For example,
Keyword should be used in Title.
1. There is only one usage of a keyword.
2. You should use a maximum of 50-55 words.
3. Try to use your targeted keywords at the beginning of the title.
4. Titles should be written in such a way that the focus keywords are visually appealing.
Keyword Density: Total number of times you are using your targeted keywords in all the content you write. The amount of using keywords is called Keyword Density. Remember how many times you can use your targeted keywords. It totally depends on how many word articles you are actually writing.
If the post is 1,000 words total, and I mention it 10 times, the keyword density will be 1%. Because I mentioned my main keyword 01 times in every 100 words.
Today, most marketers think of writing articles naturally rather than focusing on keyword density. A keyword will rank higher in an article if it is naturally occurring and not forced there. If it is forced, however, it will rank worse. Make an effort to naturally place the most keywords possible.
Image Optimization: An important step in on-page SEO is image optimization. To make your post or article SEO friendly, you must optimize the images used in the article.
1. One is Alt tag and the other is Title/Caption. Usually both of these options use the main keyword.
2. Compressing the image will result in a smaller image. This will make your posts easier to load.
3. Check if your images are mobile-friendly.
Meta Description: If we search by writing a keyword in Google, the text we see under the meta title is the meta description. Meta description is a very sensitive topic. Avoid giving too long or too short meta descriptions and include the main keyword at least once.
Permalink Optimization: When we search for something on Google, the first thing we see is the title. The part just below the title is called a permalink. Your post link plays an important role for ranking So try to optimize your link in such a way that your main keyword is included in the link.
The permalink will match the title of your post if you go to WordPress’ permalink settings and use the post name option. The permalink can be changed to suit your own requirements.
By keeping a few things in mind, you can optimize your permalinks. Those things are,
1. Using short URLs.
2. Using focus keywords in permalinks.
3. Refrain from using any number in permalinks.
4. If the permalink contains multiple words, hyphens must be used between them. Like SEO-tutorial.
Internal Link: When you link to any of your content in any of your other content. Then the method of linking is called internal linking. When you do this to optimize any of your content Then you will get several benefits.
1. First of all, your bounch rate will decrease. Because when visitors go from one of your contents to another content.
2. Then that visitor has to spend a lot of time. As a result, the bounce rate of your website will decrease to a large extent.
External Link: Using links from other websites on your website is called external linking. Incorporate both external and internal links into your content. However, employ internal connections more often than external ones. Nothing will happen if you keep adding pointless connections, but your rating will drop. Remember to add relevant links. Avoid adding links for irrelevant reasons.
Speed Optimization
After you enter a website. The duration required for the website to load completely. That time is called Loading Speed. The loading speed of each website is different. The audience becomes disinterested and leaves the article without reading it when a website loads slowly. As a result, even if you write a good article, it will lose ranking.
Having a slight awareness of those factors will speed up your website. Let’s know about those things.
1. When uploading images for blog articles, remember to compress each image.
2. Always try to upload images below 50kb while uploading images to blogs or websites.
3. Use a good hosting company to host your blog. Remember that the better the hosting server, the faster the pages will load.
4. If you can, definitely use CDN (content delivery network).
5. Always use a lightweight theme.
6. If you are using WordPress then definitely use a caching plugin.
So that was the main content of today’s article. Hope you got a rough idea about “On Page SEO” from this discussion. And how did you like the post, please tell us about your opinion by commenting. Your valuable feedback will encourage us to do more and better work in the future.